Randolph Caldecott

Randolph Caldecott

Randolph Caldecott is the legendary illustrator for whom the Caldecott Medal is named. He began his career as a children’s author and illustrator with a pair of Christmas books in 1878: The House that Jack Built and The Diverting History of John Gilpin. The books were so successful that Caldecott published two Christmas books annually for the next seven years. Caldecott was quite prolific, also illustrating books for Washington IrvingJuliana Ewing, Captain Marryatt, Henry Blackburn, and others. His distinct style and bold use of color set a new tone and standard for children’s illustration.

Lovers of children’s literature often collect Caldecott-winning books, which represent the best in American children’s books. If you’re building a collection of outstanding children’s books, our new guide to Caldecott-winning books is an excellent reference. The guide includes a photo of each winning book’s cover, along with a plot synopsis and information on identifying a first edition.

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